• "What's the dress code for playing the games?"
    We recommend to wear comfortable casual clothes as you won't need to climb or crawl.
  • "What if I will start to panic?"
    You'll get all the infos for these occasions, and all of our rooms are equipped with "panic buttons as well" so if you want to exit at any time during the game you just have to press them.
  • "How can i make an appointment?"
    At the online booking system on our webpage (where you surfing at the moment). If you not succeed for some reason or if you having some difficulties, please reach us via email or by phone.
  • "How can I pay for my game?"
    You can pay for the games in advance by clicking on the payment link in the confirmation email you receive after booking, or if it is more convenient, you can pay on the spot by cash or credit card.
  • I'd like to give the adventure as a gift. What do i have to do?
    Go to the gift cards menu on our page to buy a voucher.
  • "The system won't accept my voucher code when booking, what should I do?"
    Az új foglalási rendszerünk csak az általunk kibocsájtott utalványok kódjait tudja kezelni. Ettől függetlenül természetesen minden érvényes utalványt fel tudsz használni játékainkra továbbra is, amit egy partnerünk állított ki és nálunk is beváltható. A felhasználáshoz az utalványt mindenképpen hozd magaddal és a játék előtt mutasd meg a játékmesternek.
  • What happens if someone can't be there at the booking time? Is there any chance to modify the date?
    You have until 24 hours before the start of the game to change your appointment, which you can do via the link in the confirmation email.
  • "When and how can we cancel our reservation at the latest?"
    You can manage your booking in the confirmation email, with the possibility to reschedule and cancel. Cancellations can only be accepted up to 24 hours before the date, after which 50% of the game price must be transferred or collected in cash at a pre-arranged time! In case of no-show, we cannot refund the price of the paid games!
  • "Are the games age restricted? (Who bumps into closed doors at the venue?)
    Normally, these games are best suitable for teams with members above 14 years old, except our Magical Castle game, which is directly made for children (playable only in Hungarian language). Younger participants could also enjoy all of our quests as part of mixed age teams and with parental advisory.
    High alcoholic influence is an exclusionary reason.
  • "I'd like to make an appointment!"
    You can do it on our booking system menu. If you cannot do it for some reason, you can still call us, we'll help!
  • "Is it possible to play a quest with more than the game's maximum participant number?
    A pályák és az élmény egy adott létszámra van kalibrálva ezért nem ajánlott. Azonban ha mindenképp többen szeretnétek jönni, 1-2 plusz fő saját felelősségre még általában megoldható, de annak tudatában, hogy így szűkösebb a tér a játék során, a játékélmény pedig csökkenhet… Ha további kérdésetek lenne ezzel kapcsolatban, érdeklődjetek nálunk telefonon.
  • "We were more or less than the number of people we had booked for. Is there anything we need to do, do we need to report this in advance?"
    Not necessary. The number of teams can be freely changed according to your needs until the start of the game, the number of participants indicated in the reservation is only indicative information for us.
  • "How many quests do you have?"
    Escape Zone has three different games which can be played in a total of five different versions. You can choose difficulty levels before start which will effect the amount of clues given during the game.
  • Is a particular game always the same? If i want to try it again will there be any changes with the puzzles?"
    The gameplay of a particular quest is always the same, however, there are teams who want to try them once again if they didn't escape in time.
  • "Are the games exciting for foreigners as well? Are language skills essential?"
    A game could be played in English OR Hungarian language. You need to decide which language version do you want. In mixed teams some will help to translate those few sentences for you for sure. :)
    If you request the course in English, book in the system the same way as everyone else, but please indicate to your game master, that you request English-language game guidance!
  • "Could heart patients or pregnant women be a part of a team?"
    Sure! Most of our games aren't feature any scary elements. Except the The Labyrinth of Fear game which is equipped with scary elements like sound and light effects, and a depressing ambience! However it's important to know that all individuals must being a part for their own responsibility!
  • "When must we arrive to the venue?"
    Please be there exactly 10 minutes before start to have all the information you'll need for each game. We kindly ask you not to be late as in this case your game time could be shortened.
  • "Is there a toilet at the venue?"
    Of course there is, but we kindly ask you that as far as possible do your things at home. With a larger team these things could last up to 15 minutes long which we need for explaining the stories and the rules. Thank you!
  • "For whom is escape room adventure not recommended?"
    Everyone must take part in our games for their own responsibility, however we are not propose these activities for people suffering from claustrophoby and/or epilepsy!
    Gaming is not allowed for those who are under affect or alcohol or drugs.
    You cannot enter to any of our rooms in such a state!
  • "How much is a game?"
    It's always depends on the amount of the participants. The larger the team, the cheaper the game per person. Accordingly, one can play an individual game from 2600HUF up to 5000HUF as a part of your team. Learn more at the Prices menu.